Who knows, yes, says the chimp, you will get whatever your heart desires ... simply settle for second.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

New Blog...Old News

Hey everyone! I'm moving away from blogger and onto my own server. The address is www.shewflowers.com. That will be the new home of my blog (which I hope to update more often) and also of the podcast. Please update your links! Thank you!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Defenestrate Your Mind - Edition 11

So, we got ourselves another metal show lined up. This one is short and brutal, just like the last one :) Here's the band list:

Download the Podcast

Imbrued Deceit
Blood Tribe
Internal Malice

Links mentioned in the show:

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well, Well, Well....

Mark's Sysinternals Blog: Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far

The next time a music industry rep cries about the illegal use of their intellectual property by "stealing" or otherwise, I would like to point them in the general direction of this bullshit right here. It seems that now rootkits are being installed onto systems as part of Sony's DRM (Digital Rights Misuse On Part of the Industry). Is that not as bad as someone writing a virus and placing it on a system? Even if that virus lay dormant for a specific "protecting" purpose? Anyone ready to fight yet?